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About Brett Birkill Music


In his early 40’s, Brett was urged by his wife Wandy to write some songs and put some music together to help with relaxing and bringing about calm. This became especially important as business life became more busy and often complex and stressful.  

After not thinking that Wandy’s suggestion would do him any good and procrastinating about spending time on this, it was ultimately music that gave Brett a great amount of joy and eased his mind often after a very long day.  This was the reason Brett decided to move on his thoughts and Wandy’s push. As a young kid Brett used to sing a lot, he with some friends sang in the National Boys Choir and music was often around.  But, other aspects of life were in front of this hidden passion and from the day he left school at 17, work and business has been #1.  

In mid-2019, Brett decided to have a try and penned some lyrics about the person whom he loves and pushed him to do this, something that would never have happened without her, Wandy. He wrote a love song about Wandy and the great times they have spent together. “Due to writing about something from deep inside my heart, the lyrics came easily and during a winters afternoon a basic melody and song came together from within my bedroom, just like that”. 

From there Brett decided to take the concept he had created and collaborate with some brilliant musically minded and talented people from around the Melbourne music scene whom are all listed in his credits for each song. Brett never set out to be a rock star, he simply wanted to write songs from his world, songs that had reason and a connection to his life.  

One song, turned to 3, then a few more and Brett ended up writing and putting melodies to 10 songs that turned into a full album, album #1, Window To Your Soul. It took about 12 months to bring together. Combining a little rock and some dance but mostly easy listening for all age groups, take time to read the stories behind each song and follow the lyrics to find out where the message came from.

“With more than a dozen great artists involved in the making of this album, special thanks must go to Tomas Strode from Rolling Stock Recording Rooms.  Tomas put up with my often left field ideas and often musically uneducated thoughts to pull together a group of songs I am very proud of. If there is never another song, it won’t bother me as this process was a great joy to develop and pull together and my life is certainly further enriched from meeting so many great people. I hope that these songs help you relax, reflect and take some time out from the often mad world we live in. 

To those who feature on the album thank you very much form the bottom of my heart: Tomas Strode Producer (amongst many other great things), Anthony Lance Guitarist, Anita Quayle Cellist, Amy Tankard backing vocals, Geoff Worsnop drums, Andrew Arnold Keys, Spike Leo Dance Remix, Adam Dempsey Mastering.               

Lastly signing off, it’s all my love to the big boss, Wandy”